Public access to data in this policy refers to final research data. For FY 2016, the requirement will also apply to the Research Networks on Critical Problems of Policy and Practice competition (84.305N). The requirement for providing public access to data was extended to include Goal Three Efficacy and Replication grants for applications submitted for FY 2015. Beginning with grant applications submitted in 2012 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 awards, researchers applying for Goal Four Scale-Up Evaluation grants under competitions 84.305A for Education Research or 84.324A for Special Education Research were expected to include data management plans in their applications. The IES policy on providing access to data is focused on data collected with grants funds provided by the two IES research centers: the National Center for Education Research and the National Center for Special Education Research. In addition, data sharing can enhance scientific inquiry through a variety of other analytic activities, including the use of shared data to: test alternative theories or hypotheses explore different sets of research questions than those targeted by the original researchers combine data from multiple sources to provide potential new insights and areas of inquiry and/or conduct methodological studies to advance education research methods and statistical analyses. Data sharing provides opportunities for other researchers to review, confirm, or challenge study findings. IES believes that data sharing is an important component of the scientific process. Rationale for Providing Public Access to Data The DMP should describe a plan to provide discoverable and citable dataset(s) with sufficient documentation to support responsible use by other researchers, and should address four interrelated concerns-access, permissions, documentation, and resources-which must be considered in the earliest stages of planning for the grant. The purpose of this document is to describe the implementation of this policy on public access to data and to provide guidance to applicants for preparing the Data Management Plan (DMP) that must outline data sharing and be submitted with the grant application. The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) expressed its commitment to advancing education research through the sharing of scientific data in the IES Policy Statement on Public Access to Data Resulting From IES Funded Grants. IES Staff Director Deputy Director for Admin & Policy Deputy Director for Science Organizational Chart Staff Directory.

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